21st December 2012 is seen as Doomsday by many People. There are 5 Objects which may convert End of Mayan Calendar as End of World. Basically I am talking about 5 ways to end the world or you may say How world may end in 5 ways.
Basically, we all aware that 21st December is a hoax and anyone really believing that world is going to end must shit on his brain for such thinking. NASA has repeatedly confirmed that there's no such thing except this call of 21st December being a hoax.
Well, but still there are some objects which may create such Conditions. By this i dont only mean that World will end on 21st ,, I am trying to say that these things may end world on anyday irrespective of Dates.. So, Basically These 5 objects may really bring Doomsday anyday.
You must be eager to know what are these thing.. I am Writing down to you....
Control yourself Buddy .... :) :P
5 Things which may create 21st December as Doomsday :